Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Farewell to Summer....Almost

Vacation time with the family is now over and school will be going back into session next week for my boys. Usually, these two things indicate that summer is over and I can start looking forward to Autumn and all of the glorious sights, smells and tastes that Fall brings. Mother Nature seems to be pulling a fast one on us this year, though. We've been sitting pretty the past week or so with upper 60 to mid 70 degree temps and loving it. Then today, we get hit with 86. 86! Now, my friends back home would be laughing at me, saying what the hell are you complaining about; 86 is almost winter weather in Southern Nevada. I suppose all I can say is I've become a "Heat Wimp". I've never been a fan of hot weather and the older I get, the less tolerant I am of anything above 78. Bring on the snow! Ok, maybe not just yet, because I really do love Autumn, but the 86 degree stuff needs to go!

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